We had a great day meeting the doggy loving public at The Bourne Show on Saturday 6th July! The show has been running for over 90 years and raises money for local charities and good causes, as well as providing a great day out for the family.
Our team were out in force and were hard to miss under their beautiful bright purple gazebo, with lots of amazing doggy items for sale courtesy of Stuff for my dog, a locally run business which aims to bring you the very best quality products available, from names such as Hugo & Hudson, and Snug & Cosy.

Stuff for my dog kindly donated the proceeds of their sales at the show to Rescuemania, and we wasted no time in sending the £128.06 raised to our friends at ARC, in Goa. The Animal Rescue Centre are under a lot of pressure during this monsoon season, with 100s of animals needing food, shelter and medical care.
The team have worked relentlessly to ensure their safety in sometimes treacherous conditions. You can read more about them on our ‘Who do we support?’ page and in our blog published earlier this year called ‘New adventures with old friends’.
Thanks to everyone who came along and chatted with us, made a donation or made a purchase. We are so grateful for everyone who helps to support the causes we are passionate about.
And a special thanks to the amazing doggies – Mila, Greta, Lucca, Kendra, Flossie and Flash, Tinks, Lexi, Lola and more who stopped by for a photo or took part in our lucky dip, which proved very popular…as the photos show!